
Horror Classics by Georges Bess: DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN

Created by Magnetic Press LLC

Bram Stoker's DRACULA and Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN are faithfully adapted into spectacularly illustrated premium graphic novels by internationally renowned artist GEORGES BESS. NOTE: Pledge shipping has commenced! New Pre-orders will be processed as soon as initial pledge fulfillment is complete and may not arrive until after the holidays.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year!
4 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 04:21:19 PM

Hi everyone!
By now, the vast majority of you should have received your items... thanks for your patience, and for your messages! We love to hear how much you all have been adoring these books! 😍

A few of you have messaged us about some shipping issues -- if you have something you'd like to report, please email us at [email protected]. We were traveling for most of the holiday, and getting caught back up with all of the current business after returning to the desk was like climbing out of quicksand... but we're just about back on solid shoreline again!

In getting caught up, we discovered a few things that needed addressing and follow-up. The first was THE DIGITAL WALLPAPER PACK promised for hitting 1000 Backers! We humbly apologize... we completely forgot about that freebie incentive! But that's fixed now, and you all should have gotten an email notification from Backerkit just now alerting you to the Digital Wallpaper Pack that is now waiting for you to download from your Backerkit page!

Six different designs in three common resolutions, each featuring some of Georges Bess's beautiful line art.

Just log into your Backerkit Account (which you can reach at and you will see that .zip file listed alongside your other digital rewards.

The other thing that came to our attention was that the Golden Bookplate promised to the first 500 slipcase backers appears to have been overlooked during the packing process. 😖 The warehouse is aware of this unfortunate omission and we're arranging to send these separately soon. We may find that we'll have to stuff those 500 envelopes ourselves (my wife and I), so we're looking for the most efficient solution possible. But it will be sorted and you will have yours soon, we promise!

We're so happy to finally have these books in your hands after the extra (and unexpected) 3-month delay. It's a great way to start the new year: with a (relatively) clean slate! Thanks for your support and patience! We have some more exciting stuff coming up shortly, so stay tuned and have a great, positive start to your 2024!

SHIPPING HAS BEGUN! Watch for tracking notification this week.
5 months ago – Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 01:52:54 PM

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend -- we were hoping to have confirmation from the warehouse on Friday so that we could have posted this sooner, but they didn't get back to us until just this morning. Fortunately its good news -- !

Packages started shipping on Saturday!

They (the warehouse team) are fully aware of everyone's expectations and the urgency we've been drumming into them for the past several weeks, and with the pressure rising, they called in staff to work the weekend. We're grateful for them for making that call, and grateful for your support and patience as this special project wraps up. None of us expected this to take as long as it has.

I'm now waiting for some confirmation or access to the individual order status/data so that we can answer any order-specific questions. Some of you may have already received notification emails with tracking numbers -- keep an eye out for an email from "Magnetic Press LLC ([email protected] via". Since most of these were packed over the weekend, the courier service and post office may not have updated the tracking status yet... but they are indeed moving! Barring any other factors outside our control, you should hopefully have your items in hand by the end of this week.

Again, we greatly appreciate your patience. Out of 30 successful campaigns to date over the last 10 years, we've only run into 3 situations where circumstances beyond our control caused a significant delay in fulfillment like this. In this particular case, we're shipping 2.5 months later than expected -- in comparison with the majority of Kickstarter/crowdfunding campaigns, that still puts us in the top 10% of project delivery. 😉 We'd like to be on time (or even early, if ever possible) with every project, but unexpected things happen, and we can only ask for your grace and patience while we work through those snags to the best of our ability. We understand if this unfortunate turn of events has you thinking twice before backing another of our projects, but please know that we learn from each challenge and improve with each lesson. According to Backerkit's data, we have "a total of 19,975 passionate fans from 34 crowdfunding projects," with over 60% of those individuals having backed more than one campaign. (There are quite a few truly passionate supporters who have backed a dozen or more...!) Those repeat backers can attest to our earnestness and desire to deliver on promises to the best of our ability. 😊

A few of you have requested refunds/cancelations in the comments -- if we are still able to catch your package before it goes out, we can accommodate you. If it has already left the warehouse floor, however, there's not much we or they can do to recall it. If you are adamant about such a request, please email us at [email protected] as soon as you can and we'll see if it is not too late.

Thanks again, everyone. This has been quite a roller coaster, but we're excited to (finally) get these beautiful (and exclusive) slipcases in your hands! 😊

Ambassador Points have been awarded!
6 months ago – Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 11:41:59 AM

Hey, everyone!

While the warehouse gets all of the packages assembled for imminent shipping (and without getting into all of the discussion from the last update), we wanted to announce this bit of news which should hopefully salve some spirits...


If you missed the mention on the campaign page, every pledge includes a number of Ambassador Points equivalent to your final order total (including postage). These are unique reward points that can be collected and redeemed for discounts and rewards on our webstore, and a great way to support Magnetic Press further (while building up a collection of cool books and stuff in the process)!

If you are already a webstore customer and part of the program, just log into your webstore account (which should be under the same email address as your Backerkit account). You should see those new points added to your balance under the heading "DRACULA/FRANKENSTEIN Pledge Points."

If you don't have an account on our webstore, your points have been tallied, but you will need to complete registration for us to add them. 😊

For a walkthrough of how to register, just follow the steps on our webpage:

You can use points for discount codes, gift cards, and occasionally for exclusive collectible items that you can only get using points! It's definitely a fun program that we'll be building upon very soon!

If you don't see your DRACULA/FRANKENSTEIN points in your account, or if you have any questions about the above, please send us an email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you ASAP. Please note that if you haven't completed your Backerkit order, your points have not been awarded yet, so check to make sure your survey and any remaining payments are complete. (That includes about 50 of you...)

While we understand some of you who are new to crowdfunding or any of our earlier campaigns may chose to wait until you've finally received your DRACULA/FRANKENSTIEN pledge before considering any further support of Magnetic Press, we know that the majority of you are hopefully familiar enough with the process and comfortable enough with our excellent track record and quality after 30 successful campaigns to consider the following:

If you're looking to earn even MORE Ambassador Points, our current Kickstarter campaign is ending at 5pm PST TONIGHT...! If you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor a take a look! It's a great book with some exciting rewards, a bunch of campaign-exclusive items, and a ton of (FREE!) bonuses already unlocked! 😊

Less than 6 hours left! You won't want to miss out!

Thanks everyone! As soon as we have some news/confirmation about shipping, you'll be the first to know! 😊

Order status -- a peek inside the warehouse
6 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 08:36:07 AM

Hi everyone!

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday (for those of you in the US)! It seems like we've been addressing a lot of, let's call them "very excited" questions lately about the status of shipping, and understandably so. We did admittedly report 15 days ago that packing was to begin last week, but being a short holiday week, we were told by the warehouse that didn't happen as planned, and that due to some staffing shortages, they are a bit behind on projects ahead of us in the queue. As much as we can push them with eagerness to get these out the door, we are frankly at their scheduling mercy... believe me, we want these in your hands as much as you do! 😊

As of our call with them yesterday, we have been informed that the "assembly line" for packing is being prepared now, and they sincerely expect shipments should start leaving their dock by the end of next week. That is their estimate, however, so please take that with a grain of understanding of the processes involved. We have no insight into their staffing or layout requirements -- they are in a completely different state from us -- and we have to trust they are doing everything they can to get these turned around as quickly and efficiently as possible. They've been doing this for several decades, and successfully fulfilled our last three campaigns, so we trust they are doing their best in this busy holiday season.

A few of you have also commented on the apparent availability of the books on a particular website, as well as availability of the .cbr on some pirate sites. To address the latter first: there is nothing we can do to prevent pirates from posting our titles. Our best defense is to not make our titles available digitally at all, but they'll just scan the pages themselves eventually. Or -- as we currently do -- we can make sure that they are made available to backers FIRST. You all were the first and only people to receive digital copies of these titles two months ago, so you can rest assured you had the privilege of reading these books before ANYONE else. (We hope you have enjoyed them!) Frankly, while we haven't seen them ourselves, it is quite possible that the pirated file(s) traveling the net originated from a backer's copy, as they are the only digital copies we ever created or released. (We haven't even put them on Kindle yet...)

As for the physical availability of the books through online sites, we have been discussing this with our retail distributor. We had requested they be held until early December (after fulfillment) so that they are available before the holiday crush. That date is usually set 6-10 months in advance, but can be slightly adjusted 6 weeks in advance. Once the books have reached our warehouse, it takes 2 weeks for the Purchase Order to be drafted and shipped. They then require two weeks to receive and check the books into their system before they can ship the titles, and then the books can appear on sites/shelves at any date up to two more weeks from when they have left the distributor. Neither they nor we have any control over those specific retailers' sale date -- synchronizing a channel-wide release date is reserved for big titles by big publishers (Harry Potters, etc). While most comic shops will put books out the (Wednes)day they receive them, most big-box stores (B&N, Amazon, etc) have their own lengthy stocking process that can take two seeks. All we can do is request a ship date and hope that the distributor gets it right. (And there have been many times when they haven't, releasing titles sometimes a month or more prematurely...) So we apologize that our fulfillment warehouse hasn't been able to beat that retail timeline in this case. It is rare, but it does happen.

It is precisely because of that occasional uncertainty, however, that we intentionally design our campaigns to be filled with exclusive items that will NOT be available at retail -- slipcase editions, stretch goal bonuses, etc. We make no secret that the "vanilla" version of our books will eventually be sold at retail, so our campaigns are always meant to showcase the exclusive reasons to support us during the campaign. We are a very small operation, so your support during the campaign is literally 250% more valuable to us than purchasing our books at retail. Without your direct support, we could not continue to bring even half as many awesome titles to the table. 😊

We understand that this may sound like "excuses" to some of you (and we appreciate the excitement underlying that understandable frustration), but we can only do our best to assure you that the delay in getting these to you have not been for lack of trying to get them out sooner. The first delay was the extra time the books and slipcases needed to print (with the extra curing time required for the sweet foil gilding) -- out of our control, and the product of a stretch goal achievement.  The next delay was waiting for the coins to arrive -- also out of our control, also the result of a stretch goal, but they turned out really nice! At that point, it was a matter of getting in the warehouse's queue for assembly, and it turns out they had a lot of catching up to do ahead of us, much more than expected. We are now on deck, with packing in preparation there. They understand the urgency (as much as we can instill in them), and are committed to having these out the door as quickly as possible. Having these in your hands as far ahead of Christmas is everyone's goal. We hoped that would have been at least a month ahead of Christmas, but... the aforementioned complications.

While this was our first campaign on Backerkit, we want to assure everyone that we have run and successfully fulfilled over 30 campaigns over the last 10 years, and we do take this seriously. Those of you who have backed previous campaigns of ours can hopefully attest to our efforts and the ultimate quality of goods once the items have arrived. We aren't a fly-by-night con operation. 😉 If you are familiar with crowdfunding campaigns, you probably know from experience that very few campaigns ship on time -- of the 237 campaigns we have personally backed, NONE of them have ever arrived in the month promised. Zero. NONE. Most ship months (sometimes years) after their initially stated delivery date. While we have had some unfortunately long delays on some of our campaigns in the past (longer than this current delay), we pride ourselves on having one of the best track records on the platform with some of the shortest delivery delays on Kickstarter. We are far from perfect, but we do our best to improve our estimations and get as close as we can with each campaign improvement! 😊 As with everything in Life, the unexpected can always occur, however... Man plans, God laughs...

That was a long post, and we thank you for sticking with us patiently! It will all be worth it when these arrive shortly! 😁

Addresses Locked! Packing starts next week!
6 months ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 09:02:33 AM

Hey, everyone!

Well, this is embarrassing. We had written an update several weeks ago (Oct 20th) explaining how we were going to be locking addresses that weekend with an updated timeline of shipping... We went through the address lock process as described, but that update sat unpublished in our project dashboard this entire time. Please forgive us, that was not intentional procrastination; we're still getting used to Backerkit's community management/comment/update system... (They have different colored "save" and "publish" buttons, and apparently, we failed to hit BOTH... 🤦‍♂️)

We noticed that lapse today as we jumped in to report some genuine NEW news: ORDER PACKING SHOULD BEGIN NEXT WEEK!

The warehouse has received everything and should have it all checked in by Friday so that they can start assembling orders next week. They're pretty organized and quick, so we're fairly optimistic that everything can be out the door and on the way to you by the end of this month. Certainly, Thanksgiving will black out a couple of days for them, but that's to be expected. The holidays always get busier for them, starting roughly now, but we're in the queue and are looking good. 😊

While we'd ideally like to avoid any address changes after this point, if you need to change your address after this weekend and before shipping actually begins, please reach out to us at [email protected] as soon as you can and we'll help get your order updated manually. We need to send the warehouse the final addresses on Monday, however, so beyond that date, changes may be difficult.

Thanks, everyone! We know it has been a longer wait than the original September target, but we're doing the best we can to navigate what we can control! Thank you for your support, excitement, and patience! It will be worth it! 😊

And hey -- if you're feeling generous and open to checking out our next campaign that just launched today, please take a look at FRONTIER! It's manga-chibi hard-sci-fi, not quite the same vibe as Bess's classic horror, but you may love it just the same! (We certainly do!)